Exchange Fee 3
Remove Liquidity 1 |
Add Liquidity 2 |
Displayed |
Trade Value * 0.00003 |
Trade Value * 0 |
Non-Displayed (Hidden) |
Trade Value * 0.00003 |
Trade Value * 0.0000295 |
Clearing Fee
Product Group |
Fee |
All products |
EUR 0.03 per trade |
- Rebates are in parentheses.
- Orders that are immediately executed against an existing bid or offer on an exchange's or ECN's order book.
- Adding an order to an exchange or ECN's order book before being executed.
- Note: External fees are charged in the settlement currency of the product. Where the fee is defined in a currency other than the settlement currency, the stated fee will be converted to the settlement currency. This will result in a slight variation of external costs per day as the currency rate fluctuates.